
黎花建国度假酒店按照五星级酒店标准建造,建筑面积3.5万平方米,位于“全国历史文化名镇”黎里古镇,酒店依托黎里古镇深厚的人文底蕴,打造“人文-自然-体验”三位一体的休闲场所。酒店拥有客房207间套,近1000平方无柱式国际宴会厅,格调雅致的中、西餐厅,健身房及室内泳池等娱乐设施。酒店外观设计与江南特色一脉相承,白墙青砖,飞檐黑瓦,室内采用传统中式风与现代潮流的对话碰撞而产生的新中式风格,提炼了经典元素并加以简化和丰富,空间配色上给人以轻松自然。酒店朝向古镇主要景观面,兼具优良采光与古城风貌,地理优势明显,与黎里古镇中心景点仅一步之遥,步行200米即可到达,距上海虹桥国际机场、虹桥火车站仅1小时车程,距沪渝高速、常台高速仅10分钟车程,交通十分便捷。为商务、会议、休闲、度假游客入住提供了一个舒适及具有艺术气息的理想场所。|Covering an area of 35,000 square meters and located in Lili Town, one of the national historical and cultural towns, Lihua Jianguo Tesort Hotel is built according to the five-star hotel standards. Relying on the profound cultural deposits of the ancient town, the hotel is designed to be a leisure place where humanity, nature and experience are closely connected. Providing the customers with its characteristic experience in a Suzhou style, it is devoted to creating the tourism brand image of “Travel around Wujiang with a slow pace and boundless joy; Live in Lihua Jianguo while touring around Lili Town”. The hotel is equipped with 207 rooms, a pillarless internationalbanquet hall of 1000 square meters, a Chinese and western restaurant with an elegant style, a gymnasium, an indoor swimming pool, etc.. As for its appearance, the hotel is designed with white walls, gray bricks, cornices and black tiles, which are the great features of buildings in Jiangnan. On the other hand, its indoor decorations are in the new Chinese style, combining the traditional Chinese style and modern trend by simplifying and enriching them after extracting the classical factors. Colors are carefully chosen to provide a relaxing and natural environment. The well-lighted hotel enjoys a perfect geographical location, as you can reach the central scenic spots after walking 200m. Meanwhile, the transportation is quite convenient. It is only one hour’s drive from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and Hongqiao Railway Station, and ten-minute drive from Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway and Changshu-Taizhou Highway. Here customers are provided with an ideal place with comfort and artistic atmosphere for business, conference, leisure and vacation.
首旅如家为您推荐 苏州黎花建国度假酒店 以及 酒店预订、优惠促销、会员商城,苏州黎花建国度假酒店 信息,酒店地址: 中国苏州市吴江区黎里古镇人民东路39号。
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